Wednesday, 13 October 2010

Carers Continually ignored

Not so long ago it was being considered that carers should be paid £110 per week for their valuable work which saves the government £86 billion pounds per year, now because of the terrible financial state the last government left us with it seems unlikely that carers will get the payment they so desperately need and deserve. When will everyone realise that until the carers of this world are put first nothing of significance will ever be lasting, it is those who put others needs at least equal or above their own instead of greed that change for all humanity will build a world society fit for all to live in.

It is good news that NICE has now made available the drugs costing two pounds fifty a day for those in the early stages of dementia, any medical advances are hugely welcome with regard to helping these sufferers bearing in mind that there will be an increase of many thousands of these sufferers of dementia and Alzheimers in the future, it also follows that what ever progress is made thousands of carers will also be needed many of whom are middle aged parents, also grandparents who having brought up and cared for their children and now find themselves also giving caring help for grandchildren at which time also due to us all living longer find their own aging parents in need of caring help. Because of the great burden placed on middle aged carers and grandparents the great- grandparents are then in a situation where one aged great-grandparent is left caring for their aged partner or one or both have to be placed in a care home many of which are being closed down, or are still unsuitable, or substandard such as was reported in the Daily Mail that at Parkside House 5 elderly people died of neglect in two weeks.
Daily Mail Dignity for the Elderly

We are left now with so many important priorities in society to be considered it is difficult to choose which should come first. Those who care should always come first, not greed or those who say I’m alright jack why should I care bout you. The Coalition government must pay attention to this now before the continual ill health of carers at home caused by being ignored drop from exhaustion or die as one in five are already doing so now, too soon who will be left to care for anyone.