Tuesday, 6 December 2011

Happy Christmas

Happy Christmas make the most of it my friends

Elderly and Carers Forgotten Again

There has been much in the news again recently regarding cut backs for operations such as.
Cataracts, repair hernias, install grommets, replace worn-out hips and knees, remove infected tonsils, varicose veins, bunions or gallstones. Surgery to relieve snoring, and certain dental procedures, for example removal of wisdom teeth, are also affected.

Spare a thought for the many elderly people who suffer from the above paticularly those who are being cared for at home by their also elderly spouse or family member both of whom can be suffering from one or more of these conditions, many are in their seventies And eighties or older. If an elderly carer has cataracts do they have to wait till they are almost blind before anything is done, or have the affliction of bunions that are painful and crippling, since when was pain considered cosmetic, how are these carers supposed to be able to care for their loved one who probably has the same affliction and worse, when they are themselves almost blind and crippled by the time they get surgery. This should not be allowed to happen to an animal.


Also in the news there has been much reported that thousands of elderly people are being abused and neglected in their own homes by the very staff meant to care for them, this is diabolical!, any elderly person living alone or, member of a family who is caring at home for a loved one in their own homes would be fearful of this and avoid asking for help. There are also many good caring staff who do their utmost under difficult conditions and it must not be forgotten that they have in many cases only about ten minutes to spend per patient, and their salary most inadequate for the work they do. There is no excuse for abuse but it would be wrong to judge all outside employed carers the same, but this abuse must stop and Government and councils must get their act together now and put a stop to it now.


Human rights for carers

Now it has been suggested that older people who have worked hard paid their taxes, saved and bought their own homes, and spent their lives bringing up their families should once their children have left home be forced to sell their home which they have built with love and hard work and move into smaller accommodation with no thought of enough room for visiting children and grandchildren. The suggestion is to have the owners pay more tax which in many cases will give them no aternative. Thousands of grandparents are doing their best to help their children by taking care of grandchildren so that their children can go out to work and make a living. This while thousands of houses in the UK are lying empty for fifteen or twenty years. There is enough in the news about where costs can be cut, when are the government going to seriously consider them and stop attacking the most vulnerable and hard working.


930,000 houses left empty


Tuesday, 15 November 2011

Why is the UK so slow

This is happening to thousands of women in the UK

Please visit TVT-Mum website


Papantonio: Women Are Being Crippled With Transvaginal Mesh Implants

(Men are also having problems due to the Hernia Mesh implants)

Thursday, 6 October 2011

Mental Health

There are many different conditions recognized as mental illness and it requires the collaboration of all parties involved across the board for the progress of treatment and care within the mental health system for the good of every sufferer, and those who care for them. These days stress levels are very high due to the many problems people have to face; it is not surprising that numbers will increase. Mental illness is not something that shows physically but which is suffered within and not always noticed by those they come into daily contact with, neither is the burden which is placed on the loving partner or carer whose health is also at risk, neither must be overlooked, will the government please note, I wonder! And will those who are fortunate enough not to have experienced this realise that one in four will experience mental illness during their lifetime, it is important for families, neighbours, and society to have and show compassion and help, I am sure there are many who will identify with this video

Saturday, 27 August 2011

Important Information Everyone Should Know

For all suffering from post operative surgery involving the medical device transvaginal Tension Free Tape (TVT), involving polypropylene synthetic mesh for hernias, prolapse, stress incontinence, bladder and bowel disorder,
Please click on these extremely important latest news links.



If yourself or anyone you know is suffering these terrible complications please pass this news, and the below link on to them.


email pam-create@hotmail.co.uk

Thursday, 11 August 2011


This is an example of what happens when caring no longer exists, caring is the off shoot of love and compassion not only for oneself but for each other, what next?

We need compassion, justice and quick action


Tuesday, 9 August 2011

Welfare Reform-ATOS

The disabled and vulnerable need help urgently. Check these links and please help if you can.



What qualifications do the assessors have to make their decision about each individual disabled person? How can the assessors be trusted and what is the outcome of their decisions?


Email: pam-create@hotmail.co.uk

Monday, 1 August 2011

Never Tease a Dog

We have to smile sometimes, but remember the dog could either starve, or it could bite back!

Saturday, 9 July 2011

Early Diagnosis for People over the Age of 65yrs in UK

In two years time it is hoped that all people in the UK will be diagnosed for the symptoms of dementia. Considering there is a tremendous increase of people in the future expected to be suffering from dementia I wonder where the increased number of carers needed to care for these people are going to come from. Those who are elderly and caring for loved ones at home may then have dementia themselves that is if they are not already suffering serious illness due to stress which is now happening. Families are already under strain are all these new carers who are going to be needed and are also untrained be expected to train as unpaid carers and continually be expected to do this out of emotional blackmail for a pittance and very little help, or none as is happening now, is it not sensible to put the needs of carers before an explosion of patients suffering from dementia occurs, without the numbers of carers needed and sensible help provided there is a catastrophe waiting to happen. Already Britain has just one Carer per 100 pensioners the lowest figure anywhere in the developed world, and what ever reforms are made to social care funding, the elderly could still be left with bills running into thousands.


There should be no need for the government to make the most vulnerable in society suffer when there are other ways to cut costs which are evident by the many flagrant ways those who do not deserve the help and whose needs are less have help heaped upon them, and the many cost cutting ideas that have been suggested and publicized in the press which have not been taken any notice of.

Please read these facts of cruelty


It is wonderful that there are facilities now being provided for respite breaks; keep fit and social activities for the elderly but the opportunities and help to take advantage of these facilities are still unavailable to many thousands who need them because of lack of help for them to do so, and the future looks extremely bleak for the elderly and their families unless action is taken for fairness for those who do deserve it now.


Email pam-create@hotmail.co.uk

Sunday, 12 June 2011

Carer Pensioners are Taken Advantage of

There are now 1.2 million carers over the age of 65yrs, up 15 percent in a decade. These devoted people are taking care of relatives and partners at home who are increasingly living into their 80s and 90s. The total number of these carers is now 6.4 million, this at a time when councils in the UK are slashing vital home help services across the country. The time devoted by family members to caring for aging relatives saves the state £119 Billion each year, out stripping the £99 Billion annual bill for the NHS.
The subsidy amounts to £2.3 Billion a week or £326 million a day, also other pensioners who are not involved in the day to day care of elderly relatives have the financial burden of residential care. Every day more and more elderly people have to sell their homes to pay disgracefully hefty costs or rely on relatives using up precious savings.
Has it occurred to the government that with 11million people alive today in the UK expected to live to 100 that the army of grey carers will have nothing left for their own care that is if they have not died first due to the diabolical stress and their own ill health?.

It is time that the government and society recognised this contribution and gave families the help and support they need. This has been said time and time again only to be put on the back burner by the government, and as yet but very soon to be realised by those in society who think it does not concern them, it should concern everyone young and old. The government must act in urgency and decide how to fund social care now and realise the physical, emotional and financial pressures are all the more intense on carers 65yrs and older.


Excellent link

National carers week begins this week please take part




Tuesday, 19 April 2011

Bad News or Good News

For several years I have brought to attention not only things that were happening in the UK and the world but I have also pointed out how much worse they would get. Now practically all that is in the newspapers and media prove that this is the case, and the sad fact is that thanks to those ostriches who bury their head in the sand, in one way or another it will get even worse because of apathy. If no one takes notice and makes the effort to right what is wrong in their own life and make a stand for those who are even worse off than themselves bad things will escalate, it is all very well to take a break and join in with whatever entertainment is going to relax, forget and not take any notice but none of us can afford to ignore that not only must changes be made by government but also by all people in order to prevail against the odds.

There is nothing we can do about acts of God which will happen as the terrible tragedies of earthquakes and tsunamis etc strike, but thankfully there are those who heroically do what ever they can to help those affected by these catastrophes, and who do make a practice of helping anyone in sickness or difficulties as much as they can, unfortunately the majority of these good people are the ones most taken advantage of. Everyone should look into their heart and ask why these good people are all too few in the world and why they are in general the ones who suffer the most. It is of little use for me to go on repeating myself when everything is made obvious in the national news which is available to all, eyes are beginning to open all over the world and like it or not it should be everyone’s choice to be courageous and do what is good and right, I doubt then there would be as many tragic acts of God that we sorrowfully have to learn from. It is my belief that with the technology and scientific gifts we have, and all that is happening in the world we are living in the most important days since Jesus Christ walked our earth if we waste them we are wasting ourselves. We need to work together with courage and unafraid of those who are negative and destructive whether they are in positions of power or those who are daily around us. We can do it, and those who persevere and act with faith and kindness for the good of all as well as for themselves will inevitably win. It is up to all of us to turn bad news into good.

Monday, 28 March 2011

Charity where it is needed

People on the edge of starvation, without jobs, no adequate transport, no money, no food, no heating, who would ever have thought this would happen in the UK but it is happening here now. There are others in the world far worse off, but thankfully there are also people who do their utmost to be caring and helpful in what ever way they can. The people of Okehampton Devon in the UK are what we all should take note of and follow their example of kindness and caring. http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-1369002/Rents-waived-food-parcels-How-Okehampton-Devon-pull-UK-recession.html In despair or on the threshold of the unknown a loving spirit lives on to conquer. “We do not live by bread alone” http://www.carers-healingspur.co.uk/ pam-create@hotmail.co.uk

Saturday, 29 January 2011

When is the UK Government Going Give Justice-

For heavens sake when are the UK government going to give justice to carers and the elderly, how many times do so many thousands of people have to plead to be noticed. The government are supposed to work for the people, not the people work for the government as so many thousands of carers have been doing for far too many years without enough help or fair payment,. It is said full training on how to cope with dementia should be given to all home care workers. Thousands have given up their jobs and lives to care for their relatives with dementia, and thousands who are retired and elderly themselves are devoting long and arduous hours to caring for loved ones again without fair payment or enough help. One in two carers is also at risk of stress, depression and other serious illnesses because they have to struggle without support, what the government have offered is far too little to the point of being a disgraceful insult to humane national interest.

It is imperative that everyone reads this article link below now and everyone realises not only how many people are suffering but just what do they think the future is going to hold for them as they get older if something just and reasonable is not done now before it is also too late for them and they are in the same situation as reported in this article. Please read it the years go by quicker than some think, it takes everyone to pull together on this not just sit in a state of apathy about it, and make sure any council cut backs do not unjustly fall on the vulnerable.

Read this today........ Our dementia shame: Alzheimer's failings force 50,000 into care homes




Saturday, 22 January 2011

Nebuliser Machines in the UK

For those who need a nebuliser machine it is sometimes difficult to get one quickly or find information where to buy one. Anyone with severe asthma or Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease- COPD know how vital this can be particularly if for some reason their machine breaks down and they need to buy a replacement quickly. There are nebulisers that can be loaned out but they seem to be in short supply, also little information where there are maintenance facilities for their machine in an area where they live. The best information I could find from hospital, clinic, and chemist pharmacy when I caught a bad infection which severely affected my asthma and I needed a nebuliser quickly was to look on the internet. Unfortunately not everyone has the internet, and there are many young and elderly people without it, which is why I am giving this useful UK link together with phone number where anyone needing a nebuliser machine can buy one which suits their needs as there are many different types, they will find excellent help and prompt delivery.


If the shortage of nebuliser machines are due to government cut backs think of the time and expense incurred of calling a doctor out or the patient ending up in hospital or worse because there is no machine or information available where to acquire one.
For those with COPD in the UK and do not know you can ask your doctor to arrange a free telephone call from the Met Office who will give you climate information in advance so you can be prepared and be sure to have the correct medication ready.



Wednesday, 12 January 2011

Please add Your Support to this Call

Will the future for carers take us back decades? Please add your support to this call on the govt to issue a statement. Forward to your contacts, email your MP and ask for a comment. Send it to groups/charities. Time is running out and we must fight this now. http://carerwatch.com/news/
Carer Watch call upon the Coalition Government,to recognise the ESSENTIAL role that Carers play in the running of our society and to make a statement regarding the future of Carers Allowance So what lies ahead for family carers? Families providing care are a necessity and as the number of elderly increases and medicine breakthroughs continue, many people with illnesses will live longer…and the country will rely even more on the foundation that family carers provide. Carers are a group of people who provide a vital service, yet governments past and present have taken them for granted, have taken their Love for granted. We cannot, and must not, allow this to continue 2010 witnessed failure after failure by the Coalition government to address the needs of carers. Before the election carer issues were high on the agenda and even included in TV Party Leader debates, but as soon as the election was over carers once again became invisible. For far too long the issue of Carers Benefits has been swept under the carpet, put on the back burner by past and present governments. Now we are facing a climate of severe cuts with all the implications for the Local Authorities. But the greatest threat to carers comes from the reform of the benefit system. Will carers be protected or lost in the drive to cut back welfare. Now we have the proposal of a Universal Credit . The Coalition as yet has given no concrete details as to their intentions regarding carers’ benefits. Carer Watch have great concerns that Carers Allowance could be targeted as a benefit to be subsumed in the UC. Research in to the history of the carers’ movement shows us the battles undertaken by many women and their supporters to gain full recognition and identity for carers. Carer Watch believe that the Coalition must keep carers benefits separate from the main system. We feel that any move by government to transfer carers to a Universal credit will take the carers movement back decades. We need to raise our voices now and make them aware of our feelings and our anger that they are not addressing these issues with great urgency. Therefore, Carer Watch call upon the Coalition Government, to recognise the ESSENTIAL role that Carers play in the running of our society and to make a statement regarding the future of Carers Allowance. Please add your support



Friday, 7 January 2011

Shame on the UK government 2011

Shame on everyone who does not address and support the cause to help carers young and old today, too many people are ignoring this situation at their peril, does anyone think that tragedy cannot strike them at some time in their lives when they least expect it.

Would anyone like to see their young children end up being their carer, there are over a million child carers in the UK and thousands more not yet known about, one in twelve children are already carers with responsibilities far beyond their age with tasks they should never have to shoulder, such as bathing and administering medication and injections, cooking, cleaning, and taking care constantly of parents and family they love day and night, what chance do these children have of a decent education when at least two thirds of schools have no idea about the horrendous situation these children are in, How many of them have any time for homework or to think about their future.

Parents feel guilty and afraid to go to social services for help in case their children are taken away from them. It is a post code lottery depending on where they live as to how much help they can get and the UK government are letting charities take the brunt of the work that they should be doing. Shame on them, do their children go to bed worried, afraid, tired, anxious, desperate, and depressed. This cruelty will continue and get worse unless people who are not yet experiencing this do something about it and get in touch with their member of parliament to get them to act with compassion and justice now.

Child Carer’s Plea- on behalf of all child carers

On a street not far away,
or in a distant land,
a child’s cry echoes hauntingly
“Please come and take my hand,
my life is full from dawn to dusk
my work is never done,
little time to play a game
or rest and have some fun,
yet though my days can weary me
I know it’s meant to be,
for without me my mother
could not cope you see,
she is stricken and disabled
bearing pain both day and night,
without complaint she tolerates
and hugs me very tight,
I need no one’s pity
love makes it all worth while,
the sun it shines upon us both,
and makes us both to smile,
together we are happy we are
given Strength along the way,
but my cry is a very sad one
and is this to you today,
there are thousands of young
children who are caring just like me,
responsibility beyond our years
is obvious to see,
remember us in your prayers help
us when you can,
to lose our childhood daily
was not in God’s plan,
do not look down on disablement
or abject poverty,
for it is us who will save the world
from it’s misery,
take my hand and follow me support
child carers everywhere,
we are the brightest future which
you all can share,
give us your sincere love
on your daily track,
and with your compassion please
give us our childhood back.



Sunday, 2 January 2011

The Broken of Britain

Perhaps now our politicians have enjoyed their expensive festivities of New Years Eve they will now pay attention to this.

