Friday, 6 November 2009

Rotten Double Standards

It is disgusting that UK MP’s should be allowed to employ family members as secretaries, cleaners, gardeners etc and have their expenses for them paid while carers who are caring for disabled relatives at home are expected to do so for a pittance or nothing at all, do these MP’s realise that although thousands of carers are supposed to be retired and having struggled to save all their lives that these carers some elderly who have fought for their country not only have nursing responsibilities but all the above mentioned commitments to pay for too, and thousands cannot afford it and are struggling to do them single handed.

Instead of bringing in outsiders why not train and pay family members many who have lost their jobs during this recession or have been forced to give up their jobs because of tragic circumstances, they would be compassionate and willing, able to keep their livelihood, and pay taxes. All worn out carers are still working out of love and being taken advantage of, when is what they are doing going to be considered hard work and be paid for accordingly, they have saved the government Billions and still are.

MP’s now want a £40,000 per annum increase in their salary while earning 50 times more than constituents just for jobs on the side what a disgrace they are, if they have no conscience and do not care themselves why expect those in society to care, look around and see what their work and example has helped cause.

Please read the Daily Mail article link today and read what work and pensions minister Helen Goodman who earns £96,167 has to say


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