Friday, 26 February 2010

Social Workers Month March 2010. Love them or Hate them

Looking forward to Social Workers month march 2010, anyone who wants to become a social worker should begin by sincerely wanting to be in a position to help people in the best possible way. There are however too many examples reported in the media where social services have failed. Maybe it is because there are those who unfortunately see their work more as a career than a vocation which neither helps anyone who probably desperately needs it, or attracts the right kind of social worker. Most try to do their best and find in many cases it is not easy.
Everyone has their own ideas and it can be difficult if the good ideas presented by social workers in the field with personal contact with their cases are ignored by those in authority above them which can lead to bad decisions being made. I have had experience of both good social workers who are excellent, and the bad that are truly horrendous. The responsibility and power that those working in social care have is enormous, lives can be helped or completely destroyed, and we all want the best social workers who we can trust in the job. It is certain that there are going to be changes in the UK in the future and we must all make sure that good social workers know what their work entails and are able to follow through to get the best reliable results for anyone that needs help what ever their individual circumstances are.
To those social workers who are successfully doing good work God Bless you.

To those who are not whether you believe in poetic justice or not what goes around comes around it could very easily be you.

There are people in positions of authority in all walks of life who are taking advantage of the vulnerable and being paid unfair and obscene amounts of money. Those who are in positions of care doing so should be ashamed, it is up to every one of us to make the choice to do what is right and make sure in what ever way we can where ever we are to expose, reject and depose those whose work is more than questionable.
The only way to change things for the better is to always think and act with compassion.

Khyra Ishaq

Yet again where were the social services

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