Wednesday, 12 May 2010

Now The UK Election is over

Now The UK Election is over

Because of the UK elections I have not posted very much till now because as everyone knows things have been pretty hectic here, and it is obvious it is going to take some time for organisation and stability in government, to date this is as yet a short note to keep in touch as it is early days with regard to any attention or concern being paid to social care, and elderly over worked carers as usual. Let everyone remember that united we stand and divided we fall.
I must say I agree with David Cameron that everyone now should put more emphasis on giving and this is how it should be though I would like to add without taking unfair advantage, this has gone on far too long regarding elderly carers who are in ill health themselves due to caring for loved ones at home for many years without consideration and fair acknowledgement.
It is totally bewildering why although a question was submitted about social care and carers during the political debates on television it was ignored and seemingly not considered important enough.

Now the election is over David Cameron and Nick Clegg must give this their urgent attention and give us reason to have confidence, all carers are the foundation society is built on, and David Cameron and Nick Clegg must assure the most vulnerable people in society now that those who are elderly and infirm, those suffering ill health, mental or otherwise, and those who care for them that the funding will be there for support and financial security.

“Friends are an aid to the young, to guard them from error, to the elderly, to attend to their wants and to supplement their failing power of action; to those in the prime of life, to assist them to noble deeds”


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