These days most parents find that in order to shoulder their responsibilities and raise their families it is necessary that both partners must go out to work to enable them to meet all their commitments. Paying for day care for the children is expensive and often grandparents some who should be retired after a lifetime of bringing up their own children lovingly step in to ease the burden by caring for their grandchildren while the parents go out to work. Many grandparents are living longer now and are still capable of being employed themselves but will happily forfeit the chance to add to their income and instead devote themselves to helping to care for their grandchildren which can in some cases amount to being a part time or full time job.
Showing love and helping each other within the family is as it should be for then an extended family becomes stronger. Unfortunately grandparents age and become elderly great-grandparents, the system seems to work well within the family until then, or until a loved member of the family becomes ill, or disabled. Unless there is then another member of the family willing to give up their job, livelihood, and indeed their life to become a constant carer either full time, or part time. There is for the loved one, or carer little choice due to blindness of the situation, and under funding for adequate and vital medical health care, and social services help to ease the vicious circle for carers and the elderly, the majority of whom end up in poverty.
Last year in 2008 MP’s in the UK were demanding a salary up to £110 per week for carers of the sick and elderly at home, but little has changed for the majority of carers who save, and have saved the tax payer for a long time £87 billion pounds per year. There are those who say we cannot afford to pay carers within the family at home, maybe they will change their mind when they find themselves in this situation. Thousands who are losing their jobs due to the recession will surely find plenty of work as a carer at home either part time or full time within their own families, but should they be expected to do it for a pittance, or for nothing as we find happens in third world countries. How can we help the people in those countries when we cannot help ourselves, we cannot physically live on love alone, although spiritual love and faith may well open others eyes.
Did you know because the NHS is constantly failing the elderly, which includes a shortage of health visitors among other things, hundreds of thousands of old people are being forced to die in hospital instead of respecting their wishes to die at home, up to 300,000 elderly patients are being forgotten. People are dying in hospital when there is no medical need for them to be there, but because of poor coordination of health and social care services the wishes of people who are dying aren’t known, or can’t be satisfied. Health and social care providers give low priority to end of life care including adequate pain management, up to 300.000 people are not granted their wish to die at home.
Please support the Daily Mails Dignity for The Elderly.
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