Friday, 31 July 2009

Childrens Games

I was thinking about some of the games that children played in years gone by before television, video games, and all the gadgets they have today to keep them amused. The games that were played during WW2, and afterwards in the school yard were very different, skipping ropes and yoyos were in constant use, and there was always football for the boys, children joined together playing hopscotch, statues, hide and seek, cats cradle, jacks, charades, tag etc, and after homework was done the streets were much safer to allow them out on their own to use their imagination for a couple of hours, and very few got into trouble as the local bobby would only have to have a word with them and that was enough to deter them from misbehaving again. There are lots of games that keep young children amused indoors or out and don’t cost anything, wouldn’t it be lovely to see young children interacting together as they used to instead of sitting in front of a TV and their computer games for hours.

Link for games
Parents check these out for ideas

Alyxander age 7 cats cradle string tricks, The string turtle

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