Friday, 3 July 2009

A few encouraging words

Maybe there are those who wonder why I write on my blog about some problems that people are struggling with that are already mentioned in the news or media without coming up with answers that solve them myself, the reason is that I think the more people that know about these things the better, and it often takes more than one person to come up with the answers. Everyone working together I believe that we can. All information is valuable and can be sifted, and we have knowledge about many things that have not been successful in the past, what does seem to be missing is the wisdom to know the difference.
When there is an inordinate amount of secrecy, selfishness, and greed in the echelons of power it not only corrupts governments but spreads like a cancer corrupting society, it is important that we all help each other and make sure we do not pass problems on to the next generation, it doesn’t matter what religion, culture, or status we are all things are possible for the good of all if we make it so, even the smallest ways count, and there are a countless number of people who are doing their best setting good examples and working hard, even the poorest and weakest.
Sometimes it is only honesty and a few words of encouragement that are needed to kick start anyone into the realisation that they are important, capable, and stronger than they think they are in order for them to contribute their worth. Fancy words are not needed for those unfortunate enough not to have had a grand education. Wisdom does not always come from those with fancy words, it is up to everyone to contribute their ideas and let them be known peacefully that way we may then come up with the answers for the good of all

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