Sunday, 20 December 2009
Happy Christmas
I would like to wish everyone a very happy Christmas and may 2010 bring blessings of love, strength, good health, and happiness to all.
Tuesday, 1 December 2009
Christmas and the Forthcoming Election UK
Christmas and the forthcoming election will be on most peoples minds in the UK, this can be a worrying time for millions considering that reading in the newspapers and following the media we know that in almost countless areas there are horrendous problems happening in the UK and worldwide, and all these things need to be brought to everyone’s attention in order for us all to work together to do something about them, particularly when deceit, unfairness, and broken promises by those in government and authority do their best to ignore and confuse. There are too many issues now of great importance that cannot be ignored.
We are a small planet in a very large universe with countless universes beyond, and now that Christmas will soon be here it is good to consider this and what it truly means. There are those in power and want more who will ignore this and be intent on only enjoying the material benefits. Our difficult situations that we find ourselves in will still be with us but we can still choose to place all our concerns in a higher Divine power that gives us strength and guidance, and wants us to be happy. Those in their arrogance who do not have this faith, and can see only material things and themselves as born for destruction at the end of their short days grab what they can. How sad is that, but we should not despair and look to the heavens and find enjoyment in what is good and free in nature, and share what we can even if it is only a kind word this Christmas. Ask for guidance in these troubled times and it is given for there is no greater intelligence and power than the ONE from whence all creation came, it is no use complaining it is important only to do what is productive and be as helpful as we can in whatever area or situation we find ourselves in, to do our best for all and be happy doing it, for happiness comes from the inside, not the outside. Choose to be happy and not harassed.
Because there are so many injustices I could have brought to attention and posted on my blog today every one being just as important, for December 1st I decided to post this instead, and for now till the new year, and maybe till after all the electioneering and we have a new government of some semblance of order, common sense, and good intent in the UK, I will continue searching for uplifting good news, anyone got any let me know.
Please Email me with comments for anything on my blog that you would like published at
There were over 25,000 deaths from December 2007 to March 2008 in England and Wales, please makes sure that the elderly have their winter fuel payment and the warmth to keep them alive
We are a small planet in a very large universe with countless universes beyond, and now that Christmas will soon be here it is good to consider this and what it truly means. There are those in power and want more who will ignore this and be intent on only enjoying the material benefits. Our difficult situations that we find ourselves in will still be with us but we can still choose to place all our concerns in a higher Divine power that gives us strength and guidance, and wants us to be happy. Those in their arrogance who do not have this faith, and can see only material things and themselves as born for destruction at the end of their short days grab what they can. How sad is that, but we should not despair and look to the heavens and find enjoyment in what is good and free in nature, and share what we can even if it is only a kind word this Christmas. Ask for guidance in these troubled times and it is given for there is no greater intelligence and power than the ONE from whence all creation came, it is no use complaining it is important only to do what is productive and be as helpful as we can in whatever area or situation we find ourselves in, to do our best for all and be happy doing it, for happiness comes from the inside, not the outside. Choose to be happy and not harassed.
Because there are so many injustices I could have brought to attention and posted on my blog today every one being just as important, for December 1st I decided to post this instead, and for now till the new year, and maybe till after all the electioneering and we have a new government of some semblance of order, common sense, and good intent in the UK, I will continue searching for uplifting good news, anyone got any let me know.
Please Email me with comments for anything on my blog that you would like published at
There were over 25,000 deaths from December 2007 to March 2008 in England and Wales, please makes sure that the elderly have their winter fuel payment and the warmth to keep them alive
Sunday, 29 November 2009
Saturday, 21 November 2009
Save the Attendance and Disability Allowance
Gordon Brown has stolen the life time savings from elderly people who paid millions of pounds into pension funds to ensure provision for their security in old age and there is no way any government can ever pay it back. Now in order to set up a new National Care Service which we do not even know what the government plan for a new National Care Service would involve Gordon Brown is planning to take away vital benefits from the elderly and disabled which means pensioners will lose around £60 per week which could be as much as a quarter of their income, again he plans to snatch benefits back from 2.4 million vulnerable pensioners. Anne Begg labour MP and other Labour back benchers are fighting to save the Attendance Allowance, it is vital that the two National Disability benefits remain to give people voluntary control over their money for their individual needs. In the NHS we are not means tested and definitely should not be in the National Care Service. Tory Health Spokesman Andrew Lansley said he would keep the two allowances, he added “as ever with Gordon Brown you have to read the small print”
Please read the full article
Since I began my website carers-healingspur several years ago bringing attention to the plight of carers, the elderly, and disabled, little or nothing has been done in fact it has got increasingly worse. Please do all you can to encourage sensible and adequate changes and support for we all age and this situation is what can easily happen to any one of us. This government made sure they were secure as many feathered their nest knowing they bolted the door after the horse had flown now it will be an almighty task to catch the horse. People should now be strong and remember the strategy that to debilitate the people makes them easier to manipulate and do not allow this to happen.
Please Email me with any comments pertaining to anything on Lifes-mosaics blog that you would like published at
Please read the full article
Since I began my website carers-healingspur several years ago bringing attention to the plight of carers, the elderly, and disabled, little or nothing has been done in fact it has got increasingly worse. Please do all you can to encourage sensible and adequate changes and support for we all age and this situation is what can easily happen to any one of us. This government made sure they were secure as many feathered their nest knowing they bolted the door after the horse had flown now it will be an almighty task to catch the horse. People should now be strong and remember the strategy that to debilitate the people makes them easier to manipulate and do not allow this to happen.
Please Email me with any comments pertaining to anything on Lifes-mosaics blog that you would like published at
Thursday, 19 November 2009
Children in Need 2009
Just a reminder to open our hearts and give generously this year to the desperate, and poor children of the world, and give thanks to all those celebrities and stars who are devoting time and care also to this much needed cause.
Please do not forget that Christmas is coming, link below also how to donate toys.
Children in Need Donations
How to donate toys to Children in Need
Children in Need video
Take That Children in Need 2009-11-19
Please do not forget that Christmas is coming, link below also how to donate toys.
Children in Need Donations
How to donate toys to Children in Need
Children in Need video
Take That Children in Need 2009-11-19
Monday, 9 November 2009
Care for the Dying
Extremely important to read is that experts claim doctors and nurses need more training in how to care for people who are dying because wrong diagnosis can result in withdrawal of food and fluids when they might otherwise survive. Shockingly the decision do not resuscitate is falling to trainee junior doctors with no countersigning by consultants, in one in six cases where patients were not expected to survive there was no evidence of any discussion between doctors and the patients relatives about whether treatment would be limited.
Friday, 6 November 2009
Rotten Double Standards
It is disgusting that UK MP’s should be allowed to employ family members as secretaries, cleaners, gardeners etc and have their expenses for them paid while carers who are caring for disabled relatives at home are expected to do so for a pittance or nothing at all, do these MP’s realise that although thousands of carers are supposed to be retired and having struggled to save all their lives that these carers some elderly who have fought for their country not only have nursing responsibilities but all the above mentioned commitments to pay for too, and thousands cannot afford it and are struggling to do them single handed.
Instead of bringing in outsiders why not train and pay family members many who have lost their jobs during this recession or have been forced to give up their jobs because of tragic circumstances, they would be compassionate and willing, able to keep their livelihood, and pay taxes. All worn out carers are still working out of love and being taken advantage of, when is what they are doing going to be considered hard work and be paid for accordingly, they have saved the government Billions and still are.
MP’s now want a £40,000 per annum increase in their salary while earning 50 times more than constituents just for jobs on the side what a disgrace they are, if they have no conscience and do not care themselves why expect those in society to care, look around and see what their work and example has helped cause.
Please read the Daily Mail article link today and read what work and pensions minister Helen Goodman who earns £96,167 has to say
Instead of bringing in outsiders why not train and pay family members many who have lost their jobs during this recession or have been forced to give up their jobs because of tragic circumstances, they would be compassionate and willing, able to keep their livelihood, and pay taxes. All worn out carers are still working out of love and being taken advantage of, when is what they are doing going to be considered hard work and be paid for accordingly, they have saved the government Billions and still are.
MP’s now want a £40,000 per annum increase in their salary while earning 50 times more than constituents just for jobs on the side what a disgrace they are, if they have no conscience and do not care themselves why expect those in society to care, look around and see what their work and example has helped cause.
Please read the Daily Mail article link today and read what work and pensions minister Helen Goodman who earns £96,167 has to say
Poor Provision of Mental Health Services
There is huge concern about poor provision of mental health services for older patients. This is also of enormous concern for anyone of any age, as reported in the Daily mail Dr Ian Thomson MA (psychology) MB BCh (Oxon) FRC Psych, Yarmouth Isle of Wight said “This is a question of funding Health Authorities have used the closure of mental hospitals to rob the mental illness budget for more popular specialities. Where resources are depleted the psychiatrist becomes reluctant to accept responsibility for a personality disordered person by asserting that their problems are not mental illness, the buck is passed to society”
Anyone who is a carer at home for a loved one with a mental illness know this to be true and are bearing the burden of being their loved ones mental nurse too many times without adequate training and help, many are elderly and supposedly retired doing this extremely difficult task, it is a utterly unfair to thrust this upon the vulnerable people in society.
Anyone who is a carer at home for a loved one with a mental illness know this to be true and are bearing the burden of being their loved ones mental nurse too many times without adequate training and help, many are elderly and supposedly retired doing this extremely difficult task, it is a utterly unfair to thrust this upon the vulnerable people in society.
Monday, 2 November 2009
NHS Age Discrimination Banned by Law
Some doctors think that elderly people past a certain age are not worth bothering about and many of the elderly have been missing out on health advice, scans, and drugs. Now ageism in the NHS is to be outlawed giving the elderly the same consideration as younger patients. Ministers have been criticised for not including the NHS and social care in the general age discrimination law due to come into force in 2012. Earlier this year a survey found almost half doctors caring for older patients believed the NHS is institutionally ageist, as many as seven out of ten specialists say the elderly are more likely to struggle to get conditions diagnosed than younger patients. Now it is to become illegal for any difference to be made on age grounds. This is good news, fairer humane consideration for the elderly as it is how we treat our elderly that shows what kind of country we are. Having NHS discrimination banned by law means that those who believe they are victims will be able to go to the courts.
Considering the catalogue of mistakes made in prescription errors affecting 50 percent of pensioners in care homes, and the failure of some GP’s to monitor medication of care home residents which could be caused by many factors is something that needs to be changed for the better sooner rather than later. Please read Link below
The terrible and tragic story of the 76yr old grandfather Jack Jones who beat cancer and was told the disease had returned and after misdiagnosis had his life support taken away by having his food and fluids withdrawn is a tragic example of what must not ever happen again.
Considering the catalogue of mistakes made in prescription errors affecting 50 percent of pensioners in care homes, and the failure of some GP’s to monitor medication of care home residents which could be caused by many factors is something that needs to be changed for the better sooner rather than later. Please read Link below
The terrible and tragic story of the 76yr old grandfather Jack Jones who beat cancer and was told the disease had returned and after misdiagnosis had his life support taken away by having his food and fluids withdrawn is a tragic example of what must not ever happen again.
Wednesday, 28 October 2009
How Little We Know About Ourselves
Concerning our brains there is still much more to learn about ourselves. Science is finding out more about the mysteries of the brain and how it works, and in the future many things that were thought to be impossible may well be achieved as more information is discovered, and the knowledge how to develop it, not only is knowledge important but also wisdom in order to know how to use it.
Just as there was something intelligent that must have been there before the Big Bang to cause it and create the perfect pattern of the universe and universes beyond. We cannot create anything without first having the material to do so. We are all creators and our brain is a tool, what we create, or destroy comes from thought. Perfect inspiration and guidance comes from elsewhere.
Two remarkable and thought provoking videos
Artist without Eyes (Esref Armagan)
Ben Underwood died just before his 17th birthday
Blind boy 16yrs old uses Echolocation same as dolphins
and do not forget Beethoven!
Just as there was something intelligent that must have been there before the Big Bang to cause it and create the perfect pattern of the universe and universes beyond. We cannot create anything without first having the material to do so. We are all creators and our brain is a tool, what we create, or destroy comes from thought. Perfect inspiration and guidance comes from elsewhere.
Two remarkable and thought provoking videos
Artist without Eyes (Esref Armagan)
Ben Underwood died just before his 17th birthday
Blind boy 16yrs old uses Echolocation same as dolphins
and do not forget Beethoven!
Halloween, Samhain, (recipes) and information
Some Christians may decide not to take part in Halloween; although many do, it is a matter of choice. All Gods and Goddesses are aspects of our Divine creator for those who follow the nature religion. Little is known by those who do not inquire about the nature religion and its meaning yet are happy to celebrate Halloween, it marks the End of Summer, and the beginning of a New Year and is a blessed festival celebrated with love and honour to our Divine Creator and for those who have passed on. Have a blessed and happy Samhain (Halloween)
Consider the sick and elderly and play no nasty tricks.
If you want to know more this is an excellent informative link below
(Also a chance to try the scrumptious recipes)
Consider the sick and elderly and play no nasty tricks.
If you want to know more this is an excellent informative link below
(Also a chance to try the scrumptious recipes)
Friday, 16 October 2009
Mental Health Carers Need More Help
I have discovered a great lack of support for relatives who care for people with a variety of mental and behavioural problems at home. There are indeed many links where it is possible for carers to go for help and advice but there seems to be a distinct lack of groups available where carers of those with mental and behavioural problems can meet other carers in the same situation in order to support each other and discuss the many things they have in common. No one knows the difficulties better than those who are experiencing them and it is a great help to know they are not alone.
AA not only provides help for the addict but also have groups for the family and friends concerned who can be of help to each other. More accessible groups like this are needed for relative carers of loved ones with mental illness and behavioural problems at home.
The UK government plan to employ many more social workers in the future but however well trained they are they go home at the end of the day, relative carers are there twenty four seven and only those that are know how difficult it is when problems arise, even if they can cope. Talking to other carers experiencing similar difficulties does help. Social workers may do all they can but providing helpful links is not enough specially when as many carers have found they are shunted from one link to another and end up in ever decreasing circles and get nowhere. I just hope that when this army of social workers arrive there is the back up of necessary services people can rely on.
I am sure that when carers have looked for help they more often than not receive very good advice on how to care for the person they are caring for, but how often are they given the help they need for themselves, and how many befrienders are there to help them.
Did you know that there are more elderly living below the poverty line in the UK than in Romania, and Bulgaria.
Daily Mail link
AA not only provides help for the addict but also have groups for the family and friends concerned who can be of help to each other. More accessible groups like this are needed for relative carers of loved ones with mental illness and behavioural problems at home.
The UK government plan to employ many more social workers in the future but however well trained they are they go home at the end of the day, relative carers are there twenty four seven and only those that are know how difficult it is when problems arise, even if they can cope. Talking to other carers experiencing similar difficulties does help. Social workers may do all they can but providing helpful links is not enough specially when as many carers have found they are shunted from one link to another and end up in ever decreasing circles and get nowhere. I just hope that when this army of social workers arrive there is the back up of necessary services people can rely on.
I am sure that when carers have looked for help they more often than not receive very good advice on how to care for the person they are caring for, but how often are they given the help they need for themselves, and how many befrienders are there to help them.
Did you know that there are more elderly living below the poverty line in the UK than in Romania, and Bulgaria.
Daily Mail link
Thursday, 15 October 2009
Forgotten Children of Bulgaria
After watching the programme on BBC4 this evening about the children from the Mogilino home in Bulgaria I still find it difficult to type through the tears, considering the unimaginable inhuman suffering that these children have experienced it was good to hear that the Mogilino home was closed on October 1st 2009 but please have compassion and remember that there are still 8,000 children in homes across Bulgaria who need help and the government must pay attention and give them the help they so desperately need.
Anyone with a heart should do what they can to support and help these children, we on carers-healingspur website were happy to see that Didi, Milen, and Misho, and others trying to do the same are happier now and are courageously building a better life for themselves after all the torturous pain in their life that they have endured,. All these children still need our help and prayers.
(A huge thank you to Kate Blewett for all she has done)
more to follow on this link. (please read)
Anyone with a heart should do what they can to support and help these children, we on carers-healingspur website were happy to see that Didi, Milen, and Misho, and others trying to do the same are happier now and are courageously building a better life for themselves after all the torturous pain in their life that they have endured,. All these children still need our help and prayers.
(A huge thank you to Kate Blewett for all she has done)
more to follow on this link. (please read)
Friday, 9 October 2009
LCROSS Lunar Impact
For those interested in the amazing things happening on the moon today, so much more to come in space pioneering and exploration, keep watching.
Monday, 5 October 2009
Rebecca Mullens Beautiful Art Work
Hi Everyone,
Something wonderful to brighten your day,
I would like to introduce you to my friend’s beautiful art work.
Something wonderful to brighten your day,
I would like to introduce you to my friend’s beautiful art work.
Wednesday, 30 September 2009
Choices and Honest Decisions
Life in the UK was so much simpler in the old days before plastic and the swift advancement in technology. I am not saying that everything was good in the old days but everything was certainly far less complicated and everyone was less stressed out and worried as they seem to be now. We had different problems to face such as cleaning the grate and lighting a coal fire in the morning as there was no central heating, nights were cold and in winter it was freezing and uncomfortable, but we warmed ourselves happily in front of the fire with a hot drink and a bowl of porridge as there were few fancy cereals to choose from, where as now we are spoilt for choice among the many cereals available.
That is one of the biggest problems we have today being spoilt in all directions for choice which adds to our daily confusion. Our brains get addled by constant adverts on TV, with junk mail and spam persuading us to buy, how to change our appearance, our lives, even what to eat, and definitely what to do with our money. Life moves at a quicker pace and we constantly have to make decisions because of advanced technology, and because of those ambitious idiots who are intent to mend something that isn’t broken, and those who are determined to confuse us by needlessly changing things for their own advantage be it for money, power, or both, rather than getting priorities right.
There has been an insidious intervention into all our lives and most people have allowed it because they have mistakenly mistrusted the so called experts and thought it was all for our benefit. Maybe during this recession we will slow down, and not give in to the methods of those who make pie crust promises and deliberately bribe us with goodies that are bad for us. Maybe we will learn to appreciate what we have no matter how small and be more careful as to who we trust to make our decisions for us because it is easier to allow them to do so while we take the good times for granted. There is ultimately only one decision to make, to live in the moment trusting our own honest decisions rather than leaving them to others.
"If thou workest at that which is before thee, following right reason seriously, vigorously, calmly, without allowing anything else to distract thee, but keeping thy divine part pure, as if thou shouldst be bound to give it back immediately; if thou holdest to this, expecting nothing, fearing nothing, but satisfied with thy present activity according to Nature, and with heroic truth in every word and sound which thou utterest, thou wilt live happy. And there is no man who is able to prevent this"
Marcus Aurelius
That is one of the biggest problems we have today being spoilt in all directions for choice which adds to our daily confusion. Our brains get addled by constant adverts on TV, with junk mail and spam persuading us to buy, how to change our appearance, our lives, even what to eat, and definitely what to do with our money. Life moves at a quicker pace and we constantly have to make decisions because of advanced technology, and because of those ambitious idiots who are intent to mend something that isn’t broken, and those who are determined to confuse us by needlessly changing things for their own advantage be it for money, power, or both, rather than getting priorities right.
There has been an insidious intervention into all our lives and most people have allowed it because they have mistakenly mistrusted the so called experts and thought it was all for our benefit. Maybe during this recession we will slow down, and not give in to the methods of those who make pie crust promises and deliberately bribe us with goodies that are bad for us. Maybe we will learn to appreciate what we have no matter how small and be more careful as to who we trust to make our decisions for us because it is easier to allow them to do so while we take the good times for granted. There is ultimately only one decision to make, to live in the moment trusting our own honest decisions rather than leaving them to others.
"If thou workest at that which is before thee, following right reason seriously, vigorously, calmly, without allowing anything else to distract thee, but keeping thy divine part pure, as if thou shouldst be bound to give it back immediately; if thou holdest to this, expecting nothing, fearing nothing, but satisfied with thy present activity according to Nature, and with heroic truth in every word and sound which thou utterest, thou wilt live happy. And there is no man who is able to prevent this"
Marcus Aurelius
Wednesday, 23 September 2009
Pandas Deserve to Live
Considering that it was our fault that the Panda’s habitat and means to live was destroyed it seems some think that we should now allow the Panda to conveniently disappear altogether and allow money to be spent on furthering the future of other species, shouldn’t we do all that we can to help the survival of all creatures whether the creature is pretty cute, or perceived as ugly, beauty is in the eye of the beholder and all that lives is a gift, has a right, and should be preserved. Money is not the priority compassion is. We should not be defeated by the fact that too much money is spent in the wrong way in this world, in fairness it can be found. The Panda or any animal or creature should never be allowed to become extinct just because it is convenient to do so.
“Not to hurt our humble bretheren (the animals) is our first duty to them, but to stop there is not enough, we have a higher mission- to be of service to them when ever they require it, if you have men who will exclude any of God’s creatures from the shelter of compassion and pity, you will have men who will deal likewise to their fellow man”
Saint Francis of Assisi
Just a thought.
I hope no one decides to encourage the elderly and disabled to conveniently make their way to dignitas because of financial costs.
“Not to hurt our humble bretheren (the animals) is our first duty to them, but to stop there is not enough, we have a higher mission- to be of service to them when ever they require it, if you have men who will exclude any of God’s creatures from the shelter of compassion and pity, you will have men who will deal likewise to their fellow man”
Saint Francis of Assisi
Just a thought.
I hope no one decides to encourage the elderly and disabled to conveniently make their way to dignitas because of financial costs.
Thursday, 17 September 2009
Home Assistance Restricted
Revealed in a Whitehall report social services are being forced to restrict home assistance, because of the UK government’s decision to spend into saving failed banks and institutions the most vulnerable and weakest will be first to suffer, only the most sick and disabled will have the right to have help with washing, cleaning, shopping, and free meals. Councils find it easier to make savings by cutting services for the elderly and are more worried about antagonising powerful public sector unions. This means 600,000 elderly will have lost their right to free home help since 2006. Depriving the elderly of help to live in their own homes forcing them for the need to move into residential care homes, many of which are closing, or are substandard, it is a national disgrace. Next spring only 14 percent of local authorities will give help at the moderate level and 81 percent to those with substantial needs, it is disgusting and an abomination that the government have done little, or nothing to help vulnerable elderly people. A government green paper on care for the aged and frail proposed new taxes on retirees to meet the cost.
Please read The Daily Mail’s Dignity for the elderly
Meanwhile who shoulders this burden? It is the thousands of unpaid carers at home who are caring for partners or family members out of love, thousands of carers who are elderly and ill themselves. When are the government going to address the fact these elderly carers not only need recognition and thanks but the means to live.
Please read The Daily Mail’s Dignity for the elderly
Meanwhile who shoulders this burden? It is the thousands of unpaid carers at home who are caring for partners or family members out of love, thousands of carers who are elderly and ill themselves. When are the government going to address the fact these elderly carers not only need recognition and thanks but the means to live.
Thursday, 3 September 2009
The Big Care Debate
The Big Care Debate
I am weary of repeating myself as are also many thousands of carers about how desperately important it is that carers looking after their loved ones at home receive the help they need and before their deteriorating health which is evident right now becomes yet even more burdensome on the NHS. The majority in the UK want to keep the NHS but with much needed changes made within it. The thanks that these carers get for the unpaid work they do is appreciated but does not alter the dire circumstances they find themselves in through no fault of their own, and particularly after working and paying their taxes through the years, surely they have saved the country enough money to make them a priority before their situation worsens as it certainly will if government promises are not kept, and they are slow to keep them.
The Big Care Debate
It is important to click on this link watch the video to the end and take note of every word.
More useful links on
I am weary of repeating myself as are also many thousands of carers about how desperately important it is that carers looking after their loved ones at home receive the help they need and before their deteriorating health which is evident right now becomes yet even more burdensome on the NHS. The majority in the UK want to keep the NHS but with much needed changes made within it. The thanks that these carers get for the unpaid work they do is appreciated but does not alter the dire circumstances they find themselves in through no fault of their own, and particularly after working and paying their taxes through the years, surely they have saved the country enough money to make them a priority before their situation worsens as it certainly will if government promises are not kept, and they are slow to keep them.
The Big Care Debate
It is important to click on this link watch the video to the end and take note of every word.
More useful links on
Tuesday, 25 August 2009
When our life is threatened, or the life of someone we love and it is a life or death situation, and it is caused by someone else’s negligence, hate, or any other reason, forgiveness is extremely important no matter how difficult it may be.
We should know how important forgiveness is for those who have caused the pain and also forgiveness for ourselves for any thoughts of vengeance that come to mind. When feeling the severity of our pain it is for our own well being emotionally and physically to forgive for forgiveness heals us, and everyone we come into contact with.
“Forgiveness is a precious gem
Sewn into our garment of life
Reflecting pure Love”
Pamela V Hall
We should know how important forgiveness is for those who have caused the pain and also forgiveness for ourselves for any thoughts of vengeance that come to mind. When feeling the severity of our pain it is for our own well being emotionally and physically to forgive for forgiveness heals us, and everyone we come into contact with.
“Forgiveness is a precious gem
Sewn into our garment of life
Reflecting pure Love”
Pamela V Hall
Sunday, 23 August 2009
Most people learn, some maybe not in this lifetime!
The older we all get it is heartening to realise most of us do improve with age, not only gaining in knowledge but in common sense, an opposite example of this is that recently in the UK a pensioner aged 99 years old was arrested by police on suspicion for allegedly being in possession of weapons and being equipped for stealing. However nationally pensioners are only responsible for about 2,000 crimes per year out of a total of several million, the sooner we all learn the better, the imagination boggles if we don’t.
Wednesday, 12 August 2009
Getting to know Gypsies
It can be very rewarding to make an effort to learn about Romany gypsies. The Roma are a race whose diverse culture is ancient and interesting. It is said they have no religion but for sure they have very strong individual beliefs. The roof of their church is the sky and they have lived unfettered by walls beneath it for many thousands of years, although some have become integrated they are among the least integrated people in the world, not all are non literate and many have become famous and respected. It is sad that in general it is mostly detrimental things that are reported in the news, surely the first thing that is needed for any civilized community to do in order to live in harmony is to understand and educate, and in order to understand it is necessary for everyone to learn, and respect each other.
Problems occur when councils do not give enough attention to where they allow some travellers to settle, but gypsies should have a right to settle if they want to and are willing to abide as responsible residents, and lawful citizens.
There has been much in the news recently about travellers being given preferential treatment such as being given first priority regarding their treatment on the NHS, in my opinion who ever has the most serious condition at the time should be first to receive treatment who ever they are, (I would not leave a seriously ill or injured animal to die by the roadside even though it hadn’t paid taxes) but who will make a sensible decision regarding priority as there are many thousands of us now in need of help and priority in health, housing, education, and work. While the bungling UK government are sorting out the recession and the crisis we are in it is important that everyone has tolerance and patience with each other and with people of all races and cultures, difficult as it may seem it is possible if we all act as compassionate human beings, for that is what we all are human beings.
Kusti Bokt
lLink for Romany roots, and Romany stories, also
I found the video on this link Kushti Atchin Tan good to watch
“Human nature good or evil, Dark or light, everyone has a choice it is an excuse to say there will always be those who will choose evil because even if there are it is the majority that count and the majority that will win, it is up to every individual to choose good if not everyone is a loser”
Light be with you
Pamela V Hall
Some Light entertainment, Gypsy Dancers at Rainbow Gathering.
Problems occur when councils do not give enough attention to where they allow some travellers to settle, but gypsies should have a right to settle if they want to and are willing to abide as responsible residents, and lawful citizens.
There has been much in the news recently about travellers being given preferential treatment such as being given first priority regarding their treatment on the NHS, in my opinion who ever has the most serious condition at the time should be first to receive treatment who ever they are, (I would not leave a seriously ill or injured animal to die by the roadside even though it hadn’t paid taxes) but who will make a sensible decision regarding priority as there are many thousands of us now in need of help and priority in health, housing, education, and work. While the bungling UK government are sorting out the recession and the crisis we are in it is important that everyone has tolerance and patience with each other and with people of all races and cultures, difficult as it may seem it is possible if we all act as compassionate human beings, for that is what we all are human beings.
Kusti Bokt
lLink for Romany roots, and Romany stories, also
I found the video on this link Kushti Atchin Tan good to watch
“Human nature good or evil, Dark or light, everyone has a choice it is an excuse to say there will always be those who will choose evil because even if there are it is the majority that count and the majority that will win, it is up to every individual to choose good if not everyone is a loser”
Light be with you
Pamela V Hall
Some Light entertainment, Gypsy Dancers at Rainbow Gathering.
Friday, 31 July 2009
Childrens Games
I was thinking about some of the games that children played in years gone by before television, video games, and all the gadgets they have today to keep them amused. The games that were played during WW2, and afterwards in the school yard were very different, skipping ropes and yoyos were in constant use, and there was always football for the boys, children joined together playing hopscotch, statues, hide and seek, cats cradle, jacks, charades, tag etc, and after homework was done the streets were much safer to allow them out on their own to use their imagination for a couple of hours, and very few got into trouble as the local bobby would only have to have a word with them and that was enough to deter them from misbehaving again. There are lots of games that keep young children amused indoors or out and don’t cost anything, wouldn’t it be lovely to see young children interacting together as they used to instead of sitting in front of a TV and their computer games for hours.
Link for games
Parents check these out for ideas
Alyxander age 7 cats cradle string tricks, The string turtle
Link for games
Parents check these out for ideas
Alyxander age 7 cats cradle string tricks, The string turtle
Wednesday, 22 July 2009
While the MP’s in the UK are enjoying their 82 days holiday while the rest of us struggle, I hope they also will have time to read and digest this poem that speaks volumes for our times.
THEY shall not return to us, the resolute, the young,
The eager and whole-hearted whom we gave:
But the men who left them thriftily to die in their own dung,
Shall they come with years and honour to the grave?
They shall not return to us; the strong men coldly slain
In sight of help denied from day to day:
But the men who edged their agonies and chid them in their pain,
Are they too strong and wise to put away?
Our dead shall not return to us while Day and Night divide–
Never while the bars of sunset hold.
But the idle-minded overlings who quibbled while they died,
Shall they thrust for high employments as of old?
Shall we only threaten and be angry for an hour:
When the storm is ended shall we find
How softly but how swiftly they have sidled back to power
By the favour and contrivance of their kind?
Even while they soothe us, while they promise large amends,
Even while they make a show of fear,
Do they call upon their debtors, and take counsel with their friends,
To conform and re-establish each career?
Their lives cannot repay us–their death could not undo–
The shame that they have laid upon our race.
But the slothfulness that wasted and the arrogance that slew,
Shall we leave it unabated in its place?
Rudyard Kipling
THEY shall not return to us, the resolute, the young,
The eager and whole-hearted whom we gave:
But the men who left them thriftily to die in their own dung,
Shall they come with years and honour to the grave?
They shall not return to us; the strong men coldly slain
In sight of help denied from day to day:
But the men who edged their agonies and chid them in their pain,
Are they too strong and wise to put away?
Our dead shall not return to us while Day and Night divide–
Never while the bars of sunset hold.
But the idle-minded overlings who quibbled while they died,
Shall they thrust for high employments as of old?
Shall we only threaten and be angry for an hour:
When the storm is ended shall we find
How softly but how swiftly they have sidled back to power
By the favour and contrivance of their kind?
Even while they soothe us, while they promise large amends,
Even while they make a show of fear,
Do they call upon their debtors, and take counsel with their friends,
To conform and re-establish each career?
Their lives cannot repay us–their death could not undo–
The shame that they have laid upon our race.
But the slothfulness that wasted and the arrogance that slew,
Shall we leave it unabated in its place?
Rudyard Kipling
Monday, 13 July 2009
Carers Who Truly Care
These days most parents find that in order to shoulder their responsibilities and raise their families it is necessary that both partners must go out to work to enable them to meet all their commitments. Paying for day care for the children is expensive and often grandparents some who should be retired after a lifetime of bringing up their own children lovingly step in to ease the burden by caring for their grandchildren while the parents go out to work. Many grandparents are living longer now and are still capable of being employed themselves but will happily forfeit the chance to add to their income and instead devote themselves to helping to care for their grandchildren which can in some cases amount to being a part time or full time job.
Showing love and helping each other within the family is as it should be for then an extended family becomes stronger. Unfortunately grandparents age and become elderly great-grandparents, the system seems to work well within the family until then, or until a loved member of the family becomes ill, or disabled. Unless there is then another member of the family willing to give up their job, livelihood, and indeed their life to become a constant carer either full time, or part time. There is for the loved one, or carer little choice due to blindness of the situation, and under funding for adequate and vital medical health care, and social services help to ease the vicious circle for carers and the elderly, the majority of whom end up in poverty.
Last year in 2008 MP’s in the UK were demanding a salary up to £110 per week for carers of the sick and elderly at home, but little has changed for the majority of carers who save, and have saved the tax payer for a long time £87 billion pounds per year. There are those who say we cannot afford to pay carers within the family at home, maybe they will change their mind when they find themselves in this situation. Thousands who are losing their jobs due to the recession will surely find plenty of work as a carer at home either part time or full time within their own families, but should they be expected to do it for a pittance, or for nothing as we find happens in third world countries. How can we help the people in those countries when we cannot help ourselves, we cannot physically live on love alone, although spiritual love and faith may well open others eyes.
Did you know because the NHS is constantly failing the elderly, which includes a shortage of health visitors among other things, hundreds of thousands of old people are being forced to die in hospital instead of respecting their wishes to die at home, up to 300,000 elderly patients are being forgotten. People are dying in hospital when there is no medical need for them to be there, but because of poor coordination of health and social care services the wishes of people who are dying aren’t known, or can’t be satisfied. Health and social care providers give low priority to end of life care including adequate pain management, up to 300.000 people are not granted their wish to die at home.
Please support the Daily Mails Dignity for The Elderly.
Showing love and helping each other within the family is as it should be for then an extended family becomes stronger. Unfortunately grandparents age and become elderly great-grandparents, the system seems to work well within the family until then, or until a loved member of the family becomes ill, or disabled. Unless there is then another member of the family willing to give up their job, livelihood, and indeed their life to become a constant carer either full time, or part time. There is for the loved one, or carer little choice due to blindness of the situation, and under funding for adequate and vital medical health care, and social services help to ease the vicious circle for carers and the elderly, the majority of whom end up in poverty.
Last year in 2008 MP’s in the UK were demanding a salary up to £110 per week for carers of the sick and elderly at home, but little has changed for the majority of carers who save, and have saved the tax payer for a long time £87 billion pounds per year. There are those who say we cannot afford to pay carers within the family at home, maybe they will change their mind when they find themselves in this situation. Thousands who are losing their jobs due to the recession will surely find plenty of work as a carer at home either part time or full time within their own families, but should they be expected to do it for a pittance, or for nothing as we find happens in third world countries. How can we help the people in those countries when we cannot help ourselves, we cannot physically live on love alone, although spiritual love and faith may well open others eyes.
Did you know because the NHS is constantly failing the elderly, which includes a shortage of health visitors among other things, hundreds of thousands of old people are being forced to die in hospital instead of respecting their wishes to die at home, up to 300,000 elderly patients are being forgotten. People are dying in hospital when there is no medical need for them to be there, but because of poor coordination of health and social care services the wishes of people who are dying aren’t known, or can’t be satisfied. Health and social care providers give low priority to end of life care including adequate pain management, up to 300.000 people are not granted their wish to die at home.
Please support the Daily Mails Dignity for The Elderly.
Friday, 3 July 2009
A Tribute to George Adamson, His Family. and Elsa
This is a film of the cubs rescued by George Adamson and became famous in the film Born Free, it is very unusual footage and so beautiful, it touched my heart. The boy in the film is his son Mike, and also features Joy Adamson, it is so heart warming and wondrous to see what they achieved through love.
About George Adamson the man who lived with Lions
About George Adamson the man who lived with Lions
A few encouraging words
Maybe there are those who wonder why I write on my blog about some problems that people are struggling with that are already mentioned in the news or media without coming up with answers that solve them myself, the reason is that I think the more people that know about these things the better, and it often takes more than one person to come up with the answers. Everyone working together I believe that we can. All information is valuable and can be sifted, and we have knowledge about many things that have not been successful in the past, what does seem to be missing is the wisdom to know the difference.
When there is an inordinate amount of secrecy, selfishness, and greed in the echelons of power it not only corrupts governments but spreads like a cancer corrupting society, it is important that we all help each other and make sure we do not pass problems on to the next generation, it doesn’t matter what religion, culture, or status we are all things are possible for the good of all if we make it so, even the smallest ways count, and there are a countless number of people who are doing their best setting good examples and working hard, even the poorest and weakest.
Sometimes it is only honesty and a few words of encouragement that are needed to kick start anyone into the realisation that they are important, capable, and stronger than they think they are in order for them to contribute their worth. Fancy words are not needed for those unfortunate enough not to have had a grand education. Wisdom does not always come from those with fancy words, it is up to everyone to contribute their ideas and let them be known peacefully that way we may then come up with the answers for the good of all
When there is an inordinate amount of secrecy, selfishness, and greed in the echelons of power it not only corrupts governments but spreads like a cancer corrupting society, it is important that we all help each other and make sure we do not pass problems on to the next generation, it doesn’t matter what religion, culture, or status we are all things are possible for the good of all if we make it so, even the smallest ways count, and there are a countless number of people who are doing their best setting good examples and working hard, even the poorest and weakest.
Sometimes it is only honesty and a few words of encouragement that are needed to kick start anyone into the realisation that they are important, capable, and stronger than they think they are in order for them to contribute their worth. Fancy words are not needed for those unfortunate enough not to have had a grand education. Wisdom does not always come from those with fancy words, it is up to everyone to contribute their ideas and let them be known peacefully that way we may then come up with the answers for the good of all
Sunday, 28 June 2009
Dementia Awareness
Because more people will soon be diagnosed with dementia in the UK it is important that as much information as possible reaches everyone, even those who may think it does not concern them at the present time should be prepared, and also have consideration for those it already affects. The number of dementia sufferers is increasing and it already affects 700,000 people in the UK. The number affected is estimated to reach one million by 2021 and is expected to increase more than threefold in the next fifty years.
There are over 100 different types of dementia and it does not only affect the elderly, many thousands are young people under the age of 65. Anything that helps dementia sufferers helps those who are caring for them. Carers are already overwhelmed and their situation must not be overlooked.
Prince Charles warned that Britain faced a “catastrophic” burden from dementia in the future and welcomed plans to raise awareness of the condition.
Please click this link
There are over 100 different types of dementia and it does not only affect the elderly, many thousands are young people under the age of 65. Anything that helps dementia sufferers helps those who are caring for them. Carers are already overwhelmed and their situation must not be overlooked.
Prince Charles warned that Britain faced a “catastrophic” burden from dementia in the future and welcomed plans to raise awareness of the condition.
Please click this link
Friday, 26 June 2009
Mental Problems Among the Homeless UK
It is very difficult for people who do not have any mental problem to understand just what a nightmare it is for those that do, it is like living in a world apart from everyone else and with very little if any help for them from anyone. Having had experience working among the homeless in the UK I found there are many who have mental problems, and there are very few who have received the help they needed, without going into detail I suggest that instead of complaining about them some people with time on their hands do some volunteer work with the homeless and find out for themselves, not all are layabouts, and with the recession there is bound to be an increase. People who have genuine mental, and behavioural problems, or difficulty getting over a bereavement, or have lost their jobs and homes through no fault of their own find themselves in a catch 22 situation, you can’t get a job without a place to live, and you can’t get a place to live without the money a job brings in. Services and support are too scarce. Anyone who thinks it is that easy to pull themselves up by their bootstraps go try it and don’t forget you should to be going through a mental trauma at the same time, and have no safety net to fall back on. The right services and support must be found and soon
For those going through this trauma difficult though it is you can succeed, be strong you can do it, and please remember you are not a failure unless you give up.
Homeless UK
“Through every adversity and heartache there is a seed of strength given which grows through Divine love to help us prevail, to understand, and know we are not alone.”
Pamela V Hall
For those going through this trauma difficult though it is you can succeed, be strong you can do it, and please remember you are not a failure unless you give up.
Homeless UK
“Through every adversity and heartache there is a seed of strength given which grows through Divine love to help us prevail, to understand, and know we are not alone.”
Pamela V Hall
Thursday, 25 June 2009
The Dormouse
My daughter who lived in a country area used to have a cute Dormouse who visited her quite regularly; it was left undisturbed to wander where it willed and was sadly missed when it returned to its habitat. Dormice are very tiny just slightly bigger than a harvest mouse, and sleep three quarters of the time and are more active at night. They hibernate between October and April in the UK, and their preferred food is nectar from flowers, insects, nuts, and some fruits, they can live up to five years if food is plentiful and they are left undisturbed, They have a bushier tail than other mice and curl up into a tiny ball to sleep, they are usually found in hedgerows and woodland, and build their nests in trees, thankfully these cute little creatures are a protected species and work is going on now in the UK to help them survive.
This video shows how cute and beautiful they are
Information on Dormouse and harvest mouse
This video shows how cute and beautiful they are
Information on Dormouse and harvest mouse
Tuesday, 23 June 2009
Children encouraged to Snoop
Local authorities in the UK are encouraging children aged 7 to 11 years old to spy and report people who are noisy neighbours, those who put their rubbish out on the wrong day, and littering. The children are shown how to write down number plates which could be used in criminal prosecutions, and some are given handheld computers equipped with global positioning devices to photograph wrong doers without being seen. Primary schools could also be involved within the next two years.
Shouldn’t we first be teaching our children not to do the very things they are encouraged to report before giving them this responsibility? There are bullies that will be delighted.
Monday, 22 June 2009
Beware of the Wheelie Bins
Beware of the wheelie bins folks! In certain areas of the UK people are being swamped with them, not only are they blighting the beauty of neighbourhood environment as many rows of them are placed in front of what once were well kept terrace houses with neat gardens, which is not exactly a tourist attraction!. Those who have little room in their small gardens and out on the pavements are now left with a tiny space difficult to get by as a box is needed for paper, cans bottles and foil in another, and the rest of their rubbish in a plastic bag on the edge of their property. Wheelie bins and the amount of rubbish are very difficult for elderly people to manage and some only have fortnightly collections. Spy bugs have been fitted to wheelie bins, and dustmen in Wiltshire have been told not to move wheelie bins at all if they couldn’t pull them with two fingers. The councils are being pushed to recycle more and to persuade residents to produce less rubbish by the EU’S Recycling Directive 1999
I agree with recycling as much rubbish as possible but there definitely needs to be a better way to be found than is expected of people at present. Do read the Daily Mail and see what you can do about it.
I agree with recycling as much rubbish as possible but there definitely needs to be a better way to be found than is expected of people at present. Do read the Daily Mail and see what you can do about it.
Tuesday, 16 June 2009
Beautiful Little Creatures
Well we can’t be miserable all the time!, but I can never understand why anyone would want to turn to mediocre entertainment when there is so much beauty around us to be enjoyed, nature is a wonderful thing, and it’s free, it is both sad and criminal to see it destroyed. Animals are sentient beings and need our love and care, and we owe so much to those who work to preserve them. One of these enchanting creatures is the otter who wild life experts and conservationists are helping to survive. There are many reasons why these beautiful otters have become endangered which are by pesticides, road accidents, even traps and worse as some regard them as vermin. Thankfully holts are now being built for the otters in the UK to encourage them before they become extinct, nature is adept at taking care of it’s own if only humans did not interfere, all creatures deserve their space, we should not rob them of it, or destroy them for our own benefit a way should be found for us to live in harmony. One of my favourite films is Ring of Bright Water, I hope anyone who hasn’t seen it enjoys it as much as I did.
Otters holding hands (who says God never had a sense of humour)
Ring of Bright Water
Otters holding hands (who says God never had a sense of humour)
Ring of Bright Water
Monday, 15 June 2009
Who cares!
We are living in serious times so it is impossible for me to ignore things which not only affect my own life but the lives of many, it also enables me to add something to the pattern of life we all create. I began my free website to bring attention to the plight of carers of all ages who take care of the elderly and disabled, also to spur everyone on to recognise things on the future horizon particularly in the UK, and possibly elsewhere, also to give hope and remind all of the strength faith brings, along with peace of mind.
This will all now be updated on my blog from time to time. In the news now we are told that there is a 20 Billion pound shortfall in the NHS and in 3 years there will be no money left it really makes you wonder where the 87 Billion pounds per year that the carers saved the UK went to. It is a diabolical insult to injury to find out that while carers suffered with no help and no payment for caring for loved ones at home, MP’s were using tax payers money for home helps, gardeners etc, Everyone will feel the recession in one way or another and it is obvious that the carers, elderly and disabled who have been ignored in the past will be even lower down the scale for help now.
Consider that even food and drink is considered medication and that doctors have a legal right to withdraw it this is scary is it not.
There are reports in the news and media that elderly people have already died of starvation due to lack of attention, this is horrendous and would not be allowed for it to happen to an animal, if this is what it is like now what are the chances of a dignified death in the future. Did you know that £286 million marked for end of life care is spent by trusts on other priorities? Changes have to be made and soon, if anyone has any ideas how improvements can be made in the NHS I will be pleased to hear them.
Now it is being considered that the elderly could be asked to pay an inheritance levy of up to £12,000 to help fund care in old age, this is to be paid on retirement or deducted from the estate on death, and it is not sure how many years of care people would be entitled to, too many people are taking advantage not contributing, or saving, and still expect to have their nursing bills met by the tax payer. Anyone considering saving during this recession should beware of what could be another stealth tax. Money can be found for bankers, and missiles etc. Tony Blair said no one should have to sell their homes to pay for care. I am sick of MP’s excuses and greed, aren’t we all!!!
This will all now be updated on my blog from time to time. In the news now we are told that there is a 20 Billion pound shortfall in the NHS and in 3 years there will be no money left it really makes you wonder where the 87 Billion pounds per year that the carers saved the UK went to. It is a diabolical insult to injury to find out that while carers suffered with no help and no payment for caring for loved ones at home, MP’s were using tax payers money for home helps, gardeners etc, Everyone will feel the recession in one way or another and it is obvious that the carers, elderly and disabled who have been ignored in the past will be even lower down the scale for help now.
Consider that even food and drink is considered medication and that doctors have a legal right to withdraw it this is scary is it not.
There are reports in the news and media that elderly people have already died of starvation due to lack of attention, this is horrendous and would not be allowed for it to happen to an animal, if this is what it is like now what are the chances of a dignified death in the future. Did you know that £286 million marked for end of life care is spent by trusts on other priorities? Changes have to be made and soon, if anyone has any ideas how improvements can be made in the NHS I will be pleased to hear them.
Now it is being considered that the elderly could be asked to pay an inheritance levy of up to £12,000 to help fund care in old age, this is to be paid on retirement or deducted from the estate on death, and it is not sure how many years of care people would be entitled to, too many people are taking advantage not contributing, or saving, and still expect to have their nursing bills met by the tax payer. Anyone considering saving during this recession should beware of what could be another stealth tax. Money can be found for bankers, and missiles etc. Tony Blair said no one should have to sell their homes to pay for care. I am sick of MP’s excuses and greed, aren’t we all!!!
Friday, 29 May 2009
Incontinence information
This is important information regarding what should have been a simple operation, and what happened to a healthy mother after she had it done, the result of which her life is now wrecked, she would like to encourage and help others, both men and women in the UK who have had this same devastating post operative result to come forward. Quote
“Before I had this TVT implanted to supposedly cure my stress incontinence I had a career a full life, I lived a healthy lifestyle, the problem I had was stress incontinence which I was told could be corrected using the Tension Free Vaginal Tape Sling by Gynecare. My Gyny at the time of my consultation used these words to me and I quote...It is a simple operation, an overnight stay; you will be a new woman! very different to what actually happened to me”.
This website has been created purely to give help and support to both men and women who have had the medical device TVT Sling, synthetic polypropylene mesh for hernia’s, prolapse, stress incontinence and bladder disorders, if you are seeking answers or maybe just want to share your experiences please register on the message board. We are here to give you comfort and to let you know you are not alone, we can help each other through this very difficult time coping with daily life after being harmed by these medical devices, we are not here to give medical advice in any way.
Please register on TVT forum if you want to give help and support and share your story
“Before I had this TVT implanted to supposedly cure my stress incontinence I had a career a full life, I lived a healthy lifestyle, the problem I had was stress incontinence which I was told could be corrected using the Tension Free Vaginal Tape Sling by Gynecare. My Gyny at the time of my consultation used these words to me and I quote...It is a simple operation, an overnight stay; you will be a new woman! very different to what actually happened to me”.
This website has been created purely to give help and support to both men and women who have had the medical device TVT Sling, synthetic polypropylene mesh for hernia’s, prolapse, stress incontinence and bladder disorders, if you are seeking answers or maybe just want to share your experiences please register on the message board. We are here to give you comfort and to let you know you are not alone, we can help each other through this very difficult time coping with daily life after being harmed by these medical devices, we are not here to give medical advice in any way.
Please register on TVT forum if you want to give help and support and share your story
Reason to be grateful
Because of the current situation in the UK regarding MP’s expenses and forthcoming elections many important issues are being put on a back burner in the UK, it is difficult to know who to trust to push through what is most important, or get priorities in correct perspective. Thousands of people who are finding themselves in severe conditions caused by the recession may for sure take heart in the fact that many things are now continually coming to light. Countless wrongs are happening all over the world including wars. The biggest war of all is the war between positive light and negative darkness that is good versus evil. We are all being given a wake up call to which we must respond, and rejoice in what is being brought to light and share the strength, courage, righteousness and love it brings with it.
When people are fighting for justice and are up against powerful and wealthy people who make their own rules for themselves and are in a position to break them at will, and do so with impunity while putting in place a different set of rules which are unfair to the majority of those they are morally and duty bound to serve and protect, it is time to stand firm for justice. It is never worth taking advantage of others at the expense of honour and integrity. I believe people are basically good not bad, it is a matter of balance which if every individual looks within and questions what is truly good for all, we will then be universally better off.
When people are fighting for justice and are up against powerful and wealthy people who make their own rules for themselves and are in a position to break them at will, and do so with impunity while putting in place a different set of rules which are unfair to the majority of those they are morally and duty bound to serve and protect, it is time to stand firm for justice. It is never worth taking advantage of others at the expense of honour and integrity. I believe people are basically good not bad, it is a matter of balance which if every individual looks within and questions what is truly good for all, we will then be universally better off.
Mental Health in UK
Isn’t it amazing and disgraceful that special help is now being given to the MP’s in the UK who are undergoing mental stress because they have been found out regarding their expense claims; didn’t they bring this upon themselves? There are too many people in the UK who are mentally ill through no fault of their own and who cannot get the help they need.
The NHS is failing in its responsibility to mental health patients, an average of 4 deaths per day are reported for those in NHS psychiatric care. Campaigners say that the high death rate showed that many of the hundreds of thousands of mentally ill people who seek help each year receive a second class service in the UK, also apart from the 4 deaths nearly 3 people per day are ending up seriously harmed. Although in recent years the NHS has reduced the number of suicides in psychiatric hospitals mentally ill people who have recently returned home are widely ignored with not enough visits to see if they are feeling suicidal.
The NHS is failing in its responsibility to mental health patients, an average of 4 deaths per day are reported for those in NHS psychiatric care. Campaigners say that the high death rate showed that many of the hundreds of thousands of mentally ill people who seek help each year receive a second class service in the UK, also apart from the 4 deaths nearly 3 people per day are ending up seriously harmed. Although in recent years the NHS has reduced the number of suicides in psychiatric hospitals mentally ill people who have recently returned home are widely ignored with not enough visits to see if they are feeling suicidal.
Carers Live Longer
Researchers now say that those caring for a sick spouse with serious health problems are less likely to suffer an early death. Those who spent at least 14 hours a week providing care had a lower risk of dying prematurely. Now research suggests it can help people feel useful giving them a sense of purpose. Researchers at the University of Michigan tracked 3,376 men and women since 1990 and looked at those carers who died during that period of study. In my experience anything that gives someone a sense of purpose is good and 2 hours per day may well do that, but it is a different matter when caring for seriously ill loved ones at home is up to 24 hours per day as thousands are doing in the UK, perhaps another study should be made here.
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